Because I have no vehicle and am not set to move into NYC until July I've had some time up here in the suburbs to think about a lot of stuff (as well as greatly expand my music collection but that's a blog for another day) and I just realized that I'm a person that has trouble moving on...I never thought I was but I really am. Whether it's personal relationships, professional relationships or sitting at the computer playing Spider Solitare...I can't remove myself from a situation unless I'm satisfied in the way it concluded...
Saying all of that to say that if I can show that kind of resilience in a lot of the stuff I do then I shouldn't have a problem chucking deuces to these three things this summer...first food and restaurant chains...I had a craving for the Outback Bloomin' Onion and some Buffalo Wild Wings but there are so many good (healthier) restaurants in NYC that for me to pay more money to eat bad food would just be at no point this summer will you see me back in one of those fast-food/chain restaurants...
Second off...I'm chuckin the deuces to these NYC public transportation (minus emergencies) because every year...right around April or May I'm wishing that I could be enjoying nice weather walking around New York City...then I get here for two weeks and I'm underground on the Subway all the time or in a cab...this city has so many places to see for me to be flying past...let's also not act like I don't have a ton of new music and a new iPod to help keep me company on my NYC walks
And last but certainly not least...DRAMA...I'm home not even a week and I get the unfortunate reminder that life is short and anything can happen at any time and it's just not worth it to be stressed out over I"m gonna try to get through the whole summer with the same smile that Ron Artest had on his face when he was thanking his phychiatrist because that's the joy I want to feel everyday I get up at 10am...workout...and have the luxury to do whatever the hell else I want to do for the rest of the short...I got the life...
"Do What You Do" --blackhercules21
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