"You about to get into the mind of a Pyscho...Malcolm...lookin' out the window with a rifle...other hand on the Bible"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Forget Paris
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Strength Meets Intellegence
I went to school for four years and majored in advertising and although the best "commercials of the year" come out during the Superbowl, don't sleep on the NBA Playoffs...I came across this one, and may have to buy a Honda Ridgeline when I get back to the states
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tour De France via Göttingen
Last night on the way home from the Ludwigsburg game (at around 3am) we were stopped at a red light and I woke up from my slumber with drool on my sleev
e and Stuedabakerbrown playing on my ipod...only to have a really drunk German guy pull his pants down in front of our van and wiggle his dick at us.
I immediately thought I was having a dream, but questioned why the hell I'd be dreaming about something like this. Being only 5 mins from home I decided to get my bearings and stay awake for the rest of the ride...One minute later I saw a three kids chase a fox into an empty lot and right after that I saw two ambulances
turn in front of our car on their way either to, or from an emergency. I decided, although we just bounced back from a big win, to stay in...just didn't have that good feeling about the night.
Looking forward to a much deserved day off, all I wanted to do was sleep in but the next morning I woke up to a very familiar voice. It wasn't the voice that usually wakes me up, the "babe you wanna go get coffee" voice of my girlfriend. No, this voice was of the guy who MC's our basketball games at the Lokhalle. I w
as pretty sure I wasn't dreaming but had to get up and check it out just to be sure. Turns out that same guy was MCing the Tour De Energie which is a bike race that finishes right up the street from our apartment. All the commosion led Holly and I to get up and peep what was going on...turns out the end of a bicycle race i
s a lot more exciting than I would have thought. I did some research on the trail and best believe you'll never catch me out there riding, but I'll line up at the finish line and cheer 'em on at the end every time.
Looking forward to a much deserved day off, all I wanted to do was sleep in but the next morning I woke up to a very familiar voice. It wasn't the voice that usually wakes me up, the "babe you wanna go get coffee" voice of my girlfriend. No, this voice was of the guy who MC's our basketball games at the Lokhalle. I w
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Highlights vs. Berlin
Friday, April 24, 2009
My Shoe Deal
Although I consider myself very good with numbers, I'm beginning to believe that I couldn't be LeBron James' accountant. Between the money he's getting from Cleveland,
Nike, Upper Deck and Vitamin Water, I'm pretty sure my head would explode. During his recent 60 Minutes interview he stated that he wanted to turn the name LeBron into "a billion dollar industry" and I believe he's well on his way.
Playing against two of his childhood friends, and seeing the sneakers that Romeo Travis had on,
the personalized highschool edition LeBron's got me wondering about the coolest professional athlete shoe I ever owned. My list is based solely on personal experience and is only limited to shoes I owned. Right away that removes many options because, as anyone who really knows me knows, I don't really invest a lot of money on sneakers. However, here were the five pair, in reverse order, that I will never forget owning.
#5 The Allen Iverson Questions
I should have probably kept the list at 4 because I didn't really like these sneakers that much, probably because they weren't made for big men and during the awkward time that I got them I'm pretty sure they weren't meant to be sold in size 13...never the less they just got on the list
#4 The Patrick Ewings
Although mine were all black, these sneakers remind me of my dad and all of his friends going to the courts off of 2nd Ave and 155th St. in Harlem and playing ball every Sunday morning. My dad and I had matching pair and it was an excuse to get out of church...those were the days
#3 Nike Air Griffey Max
During that transition where I couldn't decide whether I wanted to be the next "Big Hurt" or "Big Dog" I got my parents to get the coolest baseball shoe on the planet. My baseball career then took a, Daryl Strawberry turn for the worse, minus the cocaine and hookers
#2 Reebok Shaqnosis
Wow, even though this shoe will forever remind me of that scene in Men In Black, I can only think of one shoe I ever liked more than this (obviously my number 1) but for it's time period this simple, basic ass design just hypnotized me, and everyone else that saw it. These need to make a comeback.
#1 The (Patent Leather) Jordan XI's
I don't know whether it was the comfort or the look, possibly a combination of both, but if I could have bought 100 pairs of these shoes in each color, I'd wear them for the rest of my life. True Story. Jordan's are unique in the fact that you can play ball in them and also wear them to the club. Having read his book "Driven from Within" also just gives me a greater insight as to the mindset when creating his shoes and therefore I don't ever see this shoe losing it's spot.

Playing against two of his childhood friends, and seeing the sneakers that Romeo Travis had on,

#5 The Allen Iverson Questions

I should have probably kept the list at 4 because I didn't really like these sneakers that much, probably because they weren't made for big men and during the awkward time that I got them I'm pretty sure they weren't meant to be sold in size 13...never the less they just got on the list
#4 The Patrick Ewings

Although mine were all black, these sneakers remind me of my dad and all of his friends going to the courts off of 2nd Ave and 155th St. in Harlem and playing ball every Sunday morning. My dad and I had matching pair and it was an excuse to get out of church...those were the days
#3 Nike Air Griffey Max

During that transition where I couldn't decide whether I wanted to be the next "Big Hurt" or "Big Dog" I got my parents to get the coolest baseball shoe on the planet. My baseball career then took a, Daryl Strawberry turn for the worse, minus the cocaine and hookers
#2 Reebok Shaqnosis

Wow, even though this shoe will forever remind me of that scene in Men In Black, I can only think of one shoe I ever liked more than this (obviously my number 1) but for it's time period this simple, basic ass design just hypnotized me, and everyone else that saw it. These need to make a comeback.
#1 The (Patent Leather) Jordan XI's
I don't know whether it was the comfort or the look, possibly a combination of both, but if I could have bought 100 pairs of these shoes in each color, I'd wear them for the rest of my life. True Story. Jordan's are unique in the fact that you can play ball in them and also wear them to the club. Having read his book "Driven from Within" also just gives me a greater insight as to the mindset when creating his shoes and therefore I don't ever see this shoe losing it's spot.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mama Said Knock You Out
After fouling out of my third consecutive game and having a four hour drive home to ponder all the calls against me I began to daydream about what I would do to this referee if I ever caught him on the street. Chances are I'd say what up and probably dap him up, but that's because I've never been one to hold a grudge. I've reffed intramural games at NYU and although my motto is "let 'em play" I can understand the difficulty that comes with the territory.
What I can't understand is how you can consistently be so bad at what you do. Refs and I usually don't see eye-to-eye, whether because of my physical nature, the size advantage I have on most opponents, or the fact that they envy my good looks, but if I foul out of one more game on another host of bullshit calls Kevin Frazier will be doing a report on me
What I can't understand is how you can consistently be so bad at what you do. Refs and I usually don't see eye-to-eye, whether because of my physical nature, the size advantage I have on most opponents, or the fact that they envy my good looks, but if I foul out of one more game on another host of bullshit calls Kevin Frazier will be doing a report on me
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I love Basketball and I love Chess so I almost got a hard-on when I saw this video
...This is a game of KINGS...
...This is a game of KINGS...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Who Wants To Play A Game?
This game is called "Guess where (blank) ended up?"
You can do it with anyone who, at any point in their life, mattered in the least bit. Anyone from the kid who beat you up in middleschool to the girl you took to prom, or from that guy Bobby Budnick to that Mrs. Tim The Toolman Taylor. Obviously, you need to have some common connection with the person you are playing with if you aren't going to use "fa
mous" people but you all get the point.
So you wanna play? Alright let's say I said...
"Guess where Kris Kross ended up?"...you'd say "I have no idea" and then I'd send you this video
You'd laugh and we'd play again.
Now in my line of work, I come across a lot of former Division 1 NCAA basketball standouts that are currently struggling to make a check overseas. And usually the first thing I do (especially if they are white players) is consult my buddy Basford as to their wher
eabouts and how we did against them. It happened with Dickau and Neitzel and Raivio and Humphrey. Usually, Basford is the most appreciative because he spent our entire career at NYU trying to decide whether or not he should have attempted to become a D1 walk-on (like his idol Bobby Frasor) or have a more significant role at a University not known as much for athletics.
Sorry I'm blabbing...back to the game. Do you remember when LeBron James was still in highschool and his games were all over ESPN. Well even though he probably could beat some of this Ohio HS teams by himself, he had a pretty good all around team back then, and two of those players (who played d1 at Akron) are currently playing out in our league, and just so happen to be on the same team.
Dru Joyce and Romeo Travis (pictured to the right) with LeBron at their documentary/movie premiere are two of the biggest trash talkers in the league. Well last night in our game against Ulm I had two plays that directly involved each of them. Being known as a "shot blocker" my entire life, one of the hardest things to do out here was to learn how to "ste
p up and take a charge correctly." A charge is better than a block because you always get possession afterwards, plus, if you take it the right way, you can ultimately deliver a hit that hurts the offensive player more than you. When I stepped up to take a charge on Dru Joyce last game I knocked him about 8 feet out of bounds. He seemed pretty upset but was helped off the court and later returned. As for his buddy Travis, well he had a backdoor cut from the baseline and caught the pass going up toward the rim. When he jumped I jumped and we met at the peak...let's just say the Tomahawk that he wanted to throw on me, got pushed right back down in his face (and we actually got possession). Now I don't know if either of them have blogs, but I'd figure they'd tell their friends and family back home about how the season is going right? Well I just hope the next time they talk to LeBron they don't forget to mention me.
PS Congrats to the Cavs for clinching that Best Record in Basketball...I think LeBron is going to get the Hat Trick this season NBA MVP, NBA Championship, NBA Finals MVP. But then again I had Oklahoma winning the whole NCAA bracket...so my predictions don't really mean shit do they?
You can do it with anyone who, at any point in their life, mattered in the least bit. Anyone from the kid who beat you up in middleschool to the girl you took to prom, or from that guy Bobby Budnick to that Mrs. Tim The Toolman Taylor. Obviously, you need to have some common connection with the person you are playing with if you aren't going to use "fa

So you wanna play? Alright let's say I said...
"Guess where Kris Kross ended up?"...you'd say "I have no idea" and then I'd send you this video
You'd laugh and we'd play again.

Sorry I'm blabbing...back to the game. Do you remember when LeBron James was still in highschool and his games were all over ESPN. Well even though he probably could beat some of this Ohio HS teams by himself, he had a pretty good all around team back then, and two of those players (who played d1 at Akron) are currently playing out in our league, and just so happen to be on the same team.
Dru Joyce and Romeo Travis (pictured to the right) with LeBron at their documentary/movie premiere are two of the biggest trash talkers in the league. Well last night in our game against Ulm I had two plays that directly involved each of them. Being known as a "shot blocker" my entire life, one of the hardest things to do out here was to learn how to "ste

PS Congrats to the Cavs for clinching that Best Record in Basketball...I think LeBron is going to get the Hat Trick this season NBA MVP, NBA Championship, NBA Finals MVP. But then again I had Oklahoma winning the whole NCAA bracket...so my predictions don't really mean shit do they?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Momma's Boy
On a much lighter note than yesterday's Drunk Driving blab...my Mother gets here today. Yup Angela Boone, in the flesh, touches down at the Hannover airport today at 3:45PM (GMT +1:00). I don't know what I'm going to do spending a week with my two favorite ladies...but I do know there will be a lot of cooking being done in the apartment. I'm not sure how the censorship issue (or lack thereof is going to go over with her here). It was bad enough seeing my father at the nude pool, my mother is probably not going to get that experience, unless I just drop her off there ALONE. Other than that it's all the Schnitzels and Pilsners she can consume in a week. Check back later in the week for pictures...Cheers
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Sad SADD Story
Picture This...Prom Night...Hot Date...Prom King...Afterparty...Vodka Shots...Cheeseburgers...Flip Cup...Rum Shots...Beer Pong...Hot Dogs...Unprotected Sex...Bong Rips...Car Keys...Driving
Sounds pretty fun until you decide to get in that car right? I actually passed out with my crown and a hot dog in my hand...missed out on the sex, weed and drunk driving. But, true story, that's how it goes down these days, and it's such a shame, not the sex or the weed, the drunk driving.

My senior year of highschool, the Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) group put on a "Mock Crash" and it really hit home for a lot of my peers. The craziest part about it was that one of the most "popular couples" in the school (football player and captain of the cheerleader squad) were the ones that pretended
to be in the crash. He stumbled out of the car, was approached by a policeman, had to do the sobriety tests, was cuffed and put in the cop car. She was lying on the concrete bloody, attended to by the paramedics, eventually put in a body bag and loaded into the back of the ambulance.
Along with freaking out most of the student body, it definitely left a lasting impression in our minds about the dangers of drinking and driving. If I told you I never drove home after having a beer or two I'd be lying, but the truth of the matter is I learned my limitations at a fine establishment called Josie Woods (thank God I never had to drive home from there).
Unfortunately I just read an article on ESPN about a 22 year old pitcher wh
o was killed by a drunk driver. This happens way too often and it's devastating to see what can happen, not only to yourself, but to others when you combine alcohol and automobiles. Being one, that does a good amount of drinking, I think it's important to always keep the dangers about combining the two in mind.
RIP Nick Adenhart
Sounds pretty fun until you decide to get in that car right? I actually passed out with my crown and a hot dog in my hand...missed out on the sex, weed and drunk driving. But, true story, that's how it goes down these days, and it's such a shame, not the sex or the weed, the drunk driving.

My senior year of highschool, the Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) group put on a "Mock Crash" and it really hit home for a lot of my peers. The craziest part about it was that one of the most "popular couples" in the school (football player and captain of the cheerleader squad) were the ones that pretended

Along with freaking out most of the student body, it definitely left a lasting impression in our minds about the dangers of drinking and driving. If I told you I never drove home after having a beer or two I'd be lying, but the truth of the matter is I learned my limitations at a fine establishment called Josie Woods (thank God I never had to drive home from there).
Unfortunately I just read an article on ESPN about a 22 year old pitcher wh

RIP Nick Adenhart
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Over Before It Started
The majority of seniors have played their last collegiate game and as the NCAA commercials inform us, "out of the 380,000 student athletes, most of them go pro in something
other than sports." Lucky me huh? Well I know one of those student athletes that will go pro in basketball...the AP Player of the Year Mr. Blake Griffin...however, whatever the number of million dollars his first contract is worth, I will remember him for ruining my 2009 NCAA bracket. There is always someone I trust in to bring home the chip and unfortunately, I haven't guessed that person correct since Mateen Cleaves. The fault does not fall entirely on Griffin, I actually lost more points on Memphis going out so early and Wake Forest blowing it like a $2 hooker.
So my bracket was over before it started...I have no final four teams in my facebook bracket, one in my paper bracket (Michigan State) and one in my ESPN bracket (Villanova) but don't have either of those teams winning. Therefore I am watching the rest of these games for the pure excitement of competition (although if Michigan State and North Carolina both win tonight, Holly will have miraculously beat all of my teammates out here in our pool and bring home a few hundred euro...What do you say Magic Johnson? What do you say Mateen Cleaves?) More than anything, I'm rooting for the state of Michigan to profit off this tournament. Having visited over the summer, it sure could use a little economic boom right about now...Let's Go State

So my bracket was over before it started...I have no final four teams in my facebook bracket, one in my paper bracket (Michigan State) and one in my ESPN bracket (Villanova) but don't have either of those teams winning. Therefore I am watching the rest of these games for the pure excitement of competition (although if Michigan State and North Carolina both win tonight, Holly will have miraculously beat all of my teammates out here in our pool and bring home a few hundred euro...What do you say Magic Johnson? What do you say Mateen Cleaves?) More than anything, I'm rooting for the state of Michigan to profit off this tournament. Having visited over the summer, it sure could use a little economic boom right about now...Let's Go State
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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