"You about to get into the mind of a Pyscho...Malcolm...lookin' out the window with a rifle...other hand on the Bible"
Monday, April 13, 2009
Who Wants To Play A Game?
This game is called "Guess where (blank) ended up?"
You can do it with anyone who, at any point in their life, mattered in the least bit. Anyone from the kid who beat you up in middleschool to the girl you took to prom, or from that guy Bobby Budnick to that Mrs. Tim The Toolman Taylor. Obviously, you need to have some common connection with the person you are playing with if you aren't going to use "famous" people but you all get the point.
So you wanna play? Alright let's say I said...
"Guess where Kris Kross ended up?"...you'd say "I have no idea" and then I'd send you this video
You'd laugh and we'd play again. Now in my line of work, I come across a lot of former Division 1 NCAA basketball standouts that are currently struggling to make a check overseas. And usually the first thing I do (especially if they are white players) is consult my buddy Basford as to their whereabouts and how we did against them. It happened with Dickau and Neitzel and Raivio and Humphrey. Usually, Basford is the most appreciative because he spent our entire career at NYU trying to decide whether or not he should have attempted to become a D1 walk-on (like his idol Bobby Frasor) or have a more significant role at a University not known as much for athletics.
Sorry I'm blabbing...back to the game. Do you remember when LeBron James was still in highschool and his games were all over ESPN. Well even though he probably could beat some of this Ohio HS teams by himself, he had a pretty good all around team back then, and two of those players (who played d1 at Akron) are currently playing out in our league, and just so happen to be on the same team.
Dru Joyce and Romeo Travis (pictured to the right) with LeBron at their documentary/movie premiere are two of the biggest trash talkers in the league. Well last night in our game against Ulm I had two plays that directly involved each of them. Being known as a "shot blocker" my entire life, one of the hardest things to do out here was to learn how to "step up and take a charge correctly." A charge is better than a block because you always get possession afterwards, plus, if you take it the right way, you can ultimately deliver a hit that hurts the offensive player more than you. When I stepped up to take a charge on Dru Joyce last game I knocked him about 8 feet out of bounds. He seemed pretty upset but was helped off the court and later returned. As for his buddy Travis, well he had a backdoor cut from the baseline and caught the pass going up toward the rim. When he jumped I jumped and we met at the peak...let's just say the Tomahawk that he wanted to throw on me, got pushed right back down in his face (and we actually got possession). Now I don't know if either of them have blogs, but I'd figure they'd tell their friends and family back home about how the season is going right? Well I just hope the next time they talk to LeBron they don't forget to mention me.
PS Congrats to the Cavs for clinching that Best Record in Basketball...I think LeBron is going to get the Hat Trick this season NBA MVP, NBA Championship, NBA Finals MVP. But then again I had Oklahoma winning the whole NCAA bracket...so my predictions don't really mean shit do they?
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