First there was KIMBA, the Husky/German Shepard Mutt that came with my Bronxwood Avenue home. My parents inherited

her before I was born and she lived until the ripe old age of 14 (in people years). Rumor has it, I used to practice my Frank Thomas baseball swing on her forehead with my wiffle ball bat up until age 4 and she never once snapped at me. Sadly, the true epitome of a family dog was euthanized when I was in fourth grade.
Next there was MOSES, the Akita/German Shepard Mutt that

we brought home from the Dog Pound to replace the void left in our lives by Kimba's passing. We had him for three years but had to send him back after biting a few mailmen and running away every chance he got. We weren't able to fence him in at our new Sugar Loaf residence and therefore had to leave him in the Bronx when we moved out.
Luckily, since we've put Moses back up for adoption, I've always had friends, family members, or neighbors that have owned a dog. But as I get older, and think about how much I want a dog of my own, I realize that there is a lot to consider...but before I get all bogged down with that shit, I need to determine what breed I want.

Although I'll probably go to the pound and find one that's in need, if I had my choice it'd probably be one of these bad boys...I'm leaning toward


brown Boxer right here----->
Man, those were the days. Oh how time flies...Such sweet memories.